Fleetwood Mac's Landslide

Fleetwood Mac's Landslide

Usually LyricaLogos will be about our original lyrics, but I’d like to share something about the lyrics of one my lifelong favorite songs.

I believe I fell in love with this song when I bought The Dance album from Hastings circa 1999. I remember Stevie saying, “This is for you Daddy,” as she began the song.

This song has always symbolized family for me. When my grandfather passed away several years ago I had wanted to sing this at his funeral, but my former guitarist was all the way in Florida, while I’m here in Missouri. Luckily, when my father passed in 2019, I had Fred to play John Denver with me to honor my father’s passing with a song by his favorite songwriter.

The day I met Fred at the open mic in the Hawaiian restaurant where I worked, I asked the guys on the stage if any of them knew “Landslide”. Fred said he did.

A couple weeks later he returned to the open mic and told me to write down 3 songs to learn.

“You’d do that for me?” I asked with tears in my eyes.


Featured Image by Susanne Stöckli from Pixabay

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